Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Touch Rugby Attack and Defence - Three Player Drives

Three ups or "three player drives"are a basic, but important way to make great territory, although it is also possible to do "two player drives". The key is to run at the same defender who has to keep retreating five metres. You have to run straight angling in at this person. People often go too wide and run at a different player. This defeats the purpose. If a different defender advances quickly to shut down your move, you can either take the touch quickly and run at the gap left in the line by the advancing player, or hike it back to the person who played the ball who can run at the gap.

 Here is the Touch Rugby - Basic Line Defense video. Whoever makes the touch leaves a hole in the defensive line and so their team mates need to cover them in the middle, depending on how fast the attacking plays are this can be very difficult. You must remember that the attacking team will probably have three players driving up the middle so you need to have enough cover there without committing too many players.

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